Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Lebaran, "Flexing Muscles" Curiosity

NASA photographs taken first robot Curiosity. Photo at the left shows the shadow of Curiosity while the right part shows Curiosity with one wheel.

CALIFORNIA, KOMPAS.com -Robot Curiosity sent United States Space Agency NASA flight and to investigate Mars "stretched their muscles" on the second day of Idul Fitri, Monday (8/8/2012).

"Muscle Stretch" this is the first release since the Curiosity is experienced in November 2011. Engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is responsible in this process.

Of course, stretching the muscles here meaningless literally cause Curiosity had no muscle. Because your arms stretch called Curiosity, then bent opened expanded again, similar human muscle stretching before exercise.

Step stretch was done by NASA to conduct a test and calibrate the arms along the 2.13 meters following pengebor equipment, shovels, spectrometer and camera.

As the AP reported, on Tuesday (9/8/2012), stretch it is "health tests" that traveled since landing on Mars Curiosity on August 5, 2012.

The equipment is checked this time is useful for retrieving a collection of Mars soil. The taking is done to find out if the potential habitat for meruupakan Mars microbes.

Curiosity itself undertake missions that quite a lot. One of them is also investigating the possibility of astronauts to land on Mars.

Found a spider "Legged Knife" in the u.s.

BBC Indonesia this spider was given the nickname Trogloraptor, as it had claws like a penknife.

A number of scientists in the United States found a new type of spider in some cave in the region of California and Oregon, USA.

The spider can reach 7 centimetres in length was named Trogloraptor because it has claws like a penknife in his legs that are used to trap its prey.

According to researchers, this spider has a unique form of evolution that is not solely represent a new genus or species, but also a new family of spiders.

Curator of Arachnology at the California Academy of Sciences, Charles Griswold, told the Today show presenter, Sarah Montague, that the invention was a "historic event".

In the journal ZooKeys, researchers revealed that Spider claw becomes a clue that this animal was a predator that is malignant.

Nevertheless, scientists have yet to discover this pet food as well as how they attack and kill prey.

The Mission Will Investigate The Geology Of Mars Insight

NASA illustration of that Insight robot will investigate the geology of Mars.

WASHINGTON, KOMPAS.com -aviation and space agency of the United States decided to send NASA'S low-cost robots to investigate the Martian core. A Robot named Insight it will designed the longest two years and will be delivered in 2016.

Insight will be provided two main instruments, namely the seismometer that was developed in France and a thermometer as well as pengebor developed Germany. In the interim, to go to Mars and perform its mission, Insight-didayai solar power.

As the AP reported, Friday (20/8/2012), so there are still plenty of Insight delivered the mystery that is stored by the core of Mars. Core Mars has no magnetic field and it is unclear whether a solid or liquid. Another mystery is whether there is a earthquake on Mars.

John Grunsfeld from NASA was quoted as saying, "This Reuters reveals something that caught my attention among scientists for years. Seismology is the standard method for understanding the Earth's interior and we haven't had any knowledge about that on Mars. "

As a low-cost robots, as Curiosity which Insight will land on Mars in August 5, 2012. However, Insight has its advantages. This Robot is capable of drilling as deep as 9.14 meters. With the equipment, Insight will measure temperature, earthquake history and composition of the Martian core.

Insight-cost 425 million US dollars. The Mission of Insight will run by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory who also handled the Mission of Curiosity. Beat mission another Insight presented, namely methane investigation missions in liquid, moons of Saturn, Titan, as well as robots that will investigate the changing sunlight in a comet.