Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Found a spider "Legged Knife" in the u.s.

BBC Indonesia this spider was given the nickname Trogloraptor, as it had claws like a penknife.

A number of scientists in the United States found a new type of spider in some cave in the region of California and Oregon, USA.

The spider can reach 7 centimetres in length was named Trogloraptor because it has claws like a penknife in his legs that are used to trap its prey.

According to researchers, this spider has a unique form of evolution that is not solely represent a new genus or species, but also a new family of spiders.

Curator of Arachnology at the California Academy of Sciences, Charles Griswold, told the Today show presenter, Sarah Montague, that the invention was a "historic event".

In the journal ZooKeys, researchers revealed that Spider claw becomes a clue that this animal was a predator that is malignant.

Nevertheless, scientists have yet to discover this pet food as well as how they attack and kill prey.

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