ADELAIDE, —An investigation by the consumer magazine in Australia concluded that taking any multivitamins every day not many provide health benefits, instead of spending time and money only.
According to the magazine's Choice, if you are healthy and every day eating balanced menus, our bodies do not need extra vitamins. Added by Choice, although there is evidence of medical uses for additional supplements, often times the dose in the vitamin being sold well below the dose needed to provide significant health impacts.
"If You mengasup balanced menu, and not the people who need special nutrition supplement, you only spend money needlessly to buy vitamins," said a spokesman for Choice, Ingrid Just, as reported site
"With prices between Rp 2,000 and vitamins Rp 7,000 per seed, we could spend millions of dollars every year if you drink one pill each day. Ads are usually supported by the selebritas and sports stars often give there that we need multivitamins in order to stay healthy. "said Ingrid, as reported on the Compass correspondent, Australia L Literature Wijaya, Wednesday (15/8/2012)
According to Choice, those who consume a variety of multivitamins without checking the number of recommended daily intake (the recommended daily intake: RDI) potentially vitamin drink too much, and could endanger health because not all vitamins are safe when consumed in large quantities. However, according to the magazine, most multivitamins contain a low dose so small is likely over dose.
In Australia, according to Choice, labeling the vitamin also confusing with multiple companies to use the name such as vitamin B3, while others use the chemical name, such as niacin.
"The layman may not understand that those two things are actually the same." Multivitamin is big business in Ausralia, with Choice found that companies like nature's Own Blackmores and has eight different mulvitamin products by nature's Way, 11 and 16 products by company Swisse. According to Choice, before buying certain vitamins, we'd better consult a doctor privately if they needed additional vitamins or not.
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