Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Layanan Khusus Mercedes-Benz Selama Lebaran

Jakarta, KompasOtomotif -To give a service to the users of its products that do go on Idul fitri, PT Mercedes-Benz Indonesia (MBENI) return hold "Lebaran Rescue 2012". The services provided in the form of Standby, the official Workshop Service and Moving Services command post 24 hours for 10 days, accounting for 17 to 26 August start.

"The purpose of this annual program to provide comfort and safety for all vehicle Mercedes-Benz danpemilik bus during the Idul fitri holiday. This reaffirms our commitment to culture to provide special services to consumers who are loyal, "explained Dr Claus Weidner, CEO and President of the Board of Directors, on reception in MBENI launch event programs held at Senayan, South Jakarta, yesterday (14/8).

This year established a command post Services MBENI 8 and 7 Standby Service repair shop including Moving 24 hours. All consumers who visit will get a free employment service fees for examination, consultation, emergency repairs or a visit to the location of the vehicles that require technical assistance.

Radinal Mufti, Deputy Director of after-sales Technic & Services, Mercedes-Benz Indonesia, said, the service is valid for all types of Mercedes-Benz without age point of view. Also serving users even Mercedes-Benz buys through general importer.

"As long as still branded Mercedes-Benz, we provide assistance," he said. As for the consumers who aren't on holiday lebaran, out of town, Mercedes-Benz remained open during the holiday workshops ensures lebaran in big cities.

"If there is a problem, call the hot-line at (021) 50 or 5000-7470-3333," close Radinal.

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