Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

LIPI Develop Rice Resistant dry and Unpalatable Gogo

KOMPAS.com -Breakthrough to create superior rice varieties continue to be developed by Indonesia Institute of Science (LIPI). One of the results of the development of superior rice varieties is LIPI gogo are resistant to drought.

This step is undertaken in order to boost production capacity by utilizing the national grain dry land. Rice will produce throughout the year without having deterred in dry weather. The expectation is the national food security will continue to be maintained.

Trial and Evaluator Team Rib Varieties (TP2V) Directorate of Horticulture on December 27, the Ministry of Agriculture approved the proposed release of the furrow's 2011 padi gogo 79971 IR-B-191-B-B-B and IR 79771-227-B-B development results Dr. Enung Mulyaningshih, m. Si of Biotechnology Research Center Researcher LIPI to be superior varieties of rice.

After two years of testing done at 17 different locations around Indonesia, two strains of rice were set to be a gogo LIPI rice varieties are superior strains of rice along with the Great Hall of the rice plant Research and Ministry of Agriculture University of Jenderal Soedirman.

"Gogo rice Strains with a strain of LIPI compete Mataram University, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Bogor agricultural University, Great Hall and Research Ministry of agriculture rice crops," bright Enung.

Gogo rice strains LIPI findings this average is capable of producing grain as much as 8.4 tonnes per hectare. These results are far better than the previous superior varieties i.e. There Patenggang and Batutegi. In addition, two strains of rice also tolerant LIPI gogo drought, disease blas (diseases caused Boletus) and aluminum toxicity. According to, the three things that Enung is a big problem for padi gogo.

Trace back, search superior rice varieties resistant to dry are in fact the provision to deal with global warming. Be advised, before there was a superior rice varieties that farmers still gogo rely upon regular cropping of rice.

Farmers still planting gogo reluctantly because of its productivity and low selling price. Plus more, rice has less flavor gogo tasty. After the emergence of superior varieties, farmers started switch to the expected type of rice to gogo ramped.

Biotechnology Research Center of LIPI researchers, Dr. Satya Nugroho, sets forth that it uses an approach by looking at the genes of rice that can adapt to dry conditions to find a superior and tolerant rice taste good. Genes are manipulated to make varieties that are more tolerant to drought.

With the conventional way, the creation of a new superior varieties over a cross to the fastest time of 10 years for it is the process of backcross (married with one of its parent category). It took several generations to ensure superior properties only, not the nature of the move is not beneficial.

Applications of biotechnology will speed up the process of getting superior varieties. If the candidate genes already at hand, can directly to padi diintroduksikan without the need to remove a backcross unwelcome.

"One year can already live field test and multilokasi," he said.

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