Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

In Indonesia, a MINI "Hatchback & quotLebih Practice

Jakarta, KompasOtomotif-From January until July 2012, MINI sales in Indonesia has reached 203 units, composed of 111 units, Countryman hatchback Si Bongsor 43 unit, and unit 27. kabriolet

"Many people already familiar with Indonesia model hatchback. And from the outset, the MINI is indeed more selling model hatchback. Finally, people assume that MINI hatchback, "said Izhar Jentri W, Regional Sales Manager of PT BMW Indonesia.

Added, larger Countryman also began to glance. The fats MINI use them to hang out with my family. "Length and width exceeds the Toyota Yaris, height is almost the same with Nissan Grand Livina Geniss, "beber Jentry.

Kabriolet, only for those who want to enjoy the atmosphere of the afternoon or morning on clean environment that will wear them. Indonesia air, particularly Jakarta no friendly to kabriolet. This is practically the model owner fans and only use heavy kabriole at any given time.

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