Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Rare Mongoose found in Aceh

BANDA ACEH, -short-term exercise Program for forest guards held by Flora Fauna in Indonesia Reserves Jantho delivers a surprise.

During the three-day exercise the use of the camera, get a team photo jebak fauna rare not recognized by the forest guards. Looks like a large animal, it muism proved the Mongoose Herpestes semitorquatus gold or.

Mongoose species found only on Sumatra gold. Data about species is expressed very less according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

In Borneo, it usually brings about the Mongoose species are colored dark brown. However, publication in the journal Small Carnovore Conservation Journal also reported the existence of species with gold color.

Program Manager FFI Aceh, Dr Matthews says, "Linke, FFI has been using cameras in Sumatra during jebak over a decade with the accumulation of time hundreds of thousands of hours of time jebak. It is ironic that the first photo is obtained at the time of collared Mongoose during training. "

This photo completes the photo numbers who successfully obtained HHH FFI, such as deer and rabbits foro Sumatra Sumatran coastline.

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