Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Wuih, 1 out of 10 car buyers don't want to "Test Drive"

Washington, KompasOtomotif -a study in the United States that 1 in 10 buyers of new cars do not require a test drive. The findings cited the Detroit Free Press from Maritz Research results that have found data, 11.4 percent of vehicle owners buy a car without a model 2012 tests.

It is also supported by the tendency of shoppers to find their car candidate information via the internet (online). Even today the culture is increased from 7.4 percent in 2010 to 9.5 per cent in 2012.

This research involves 80,000 buyers of new cars. And minorities did not perform tests and come to the dealer reluctance to interact with reason and face to face with sales. They easily get all the needed information without explanation my grandiose promises.

They argued reasonably comfortable and satisfied with the references than to be attempt gets. Furthermore, according to them, the new car would of course still supported with secure components and bergaransi.

"These results is quite interesting and a bit disconcerting to see a handful of people are reluctant to do a test drive before buying new cars and more trust from info provided through the internet," Chris Travell, Vice President of Strategic Consulting Maritz Research.

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