Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Honda Motorcycle Freelance 2.507 Pemudik

Jakarta, KompasOtomotif -PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) this morning (15/8/2012) a strike of 2.507 pemudik from Headquarters in Sunter, North Jakarta. The amount is retrieved from the motorcycle unit shipments already made earlier (12 August): 1 .078sg units.

"This year the number of consumers is remarkable. From two weeks full time plan registration directly in just four days, "commented Istiyani Susriyati,

Of that amount, with the motorcycle unit 527 1.191 pemudik onrush to Semarang and 551 units (1,297 people) to Yogyakarta. The entire pemudik transported by 58 buses and motorcycles using the 24 trucks.

"This year the number of consumers is remarkable. From two weeks full time plan registration directly in just four days, "commented Istiyani Susriyati, GM Honda Customer Care Center (HC3) Division AHM, on the sidelines of the release this morning pemudik.

Entourage pemudik removable Ground Transportation Ministry Director General of transport, Alimoeso accompanied Tanuwijaya Suroyo Margono, Director of marketing and Kabagsop Korlantas AHM Bambang Sugeng from Polda Metro Jaya Dirlantas.

"We hope the level of accident motorists reached 70 percent in the past year could diminish lebaran," hope Suroyo.

In addition, AHM also launched pemudik prepare transport feedback prepared August 23 date. "For our feedback participants are required to register with the KTP Jakarta to avoid urban sprawl," beber Margono.

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